Below are some examples of presentations members of our clinic have given since we opened in 2004.
Wellness and the Transition to College (9/2017)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Presentation for Incoming Robertson Scholars, Durham, NC
Executive Functions: Conceptual Foundations, Assessment, and Clinical Applications (2/2017)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.North Carolina Psychological Association (NCPA), Chapel Hill, NC
Dyslexia Awareness Workshop – Speaker and Panelist (10/2016)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Durham Public Library, Durham, NC
Gifted and Twice Exceptional Children: Opportunities and Challenges (12/2015)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Camelot Academy Parent Speaker Series, Durham, NC
Stress in Adolescents (11/2014)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Presentation to Durham Academy Middle School Faculty, Durham, NC
Children and Anxiety (3/2013)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Presentation to Teacher, Students, and Parents, Hill Center, Durham, NC
Gifted and Twice Exceptional Children: Issues in Assessment and Intervention (5/2011)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Immaculata Catholic School, Durham, NC
ADD/ADHD in Adults Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Orange County Department on Aging, Chapel Hill, NC
Race to Nowhere: Professional Panel for Post-Movie Discussion (3/2011)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Cedar Ridge High School, Hillsborough, NC
Evaluation and Support of Students with Attention and Specific Learning Problems – Part I (3/2010) and Part II (10/2010)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Presentation for UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine Advisory College Faculty Development Session, Chapel Hill, NC
Parent Discussion Group: Living with ADHD (2/2010)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.A workshop for parents at Central Park School for Children, Durham, NC
Asperger's and Other Autism-Spectrum Disorders (2/2009)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Presentation for the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice (CACJ) and the California Public Defenders Association (CPDA), Monterey, CA
ADHD: Updates and the Role of Coaching (5/2008)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Two-day workshop for the staff of the Forman School with Jane Benson, M.A., Litchfield, CT
Report Writing and Documentation Guidelines for ADHD (4/2008)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Discussant, Educational Testing Service, Disability Review Panel, Princeton, NJ
Continuous Performance Tests in the Evaluation of ADHD (4/2008)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Educational Testing Service, Disability Review Panel, Princeton, NJ
Optimal Assessment Practices for School-Aged Children (3/2008)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Lecture to Students in School of Education, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Practical Issues in Neuropsychological Assessment of Inmates (4/2007)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Lecturer and Panel Member at 'Legal and Mental Health Updates' Conference, Habeas Corpus Resource Center, San Francisco, CA
Brain-Behavior Relationships (1/2007)Ken Benedict, PhD.Lecture to Students in School of Education, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Common Psychiatric and Psychological Conditions in School-Aged Children (1/2007)Ken Benedict, Ph.DLecture to Students in School of Education, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Assessment and Intervention for ADHD and LD (4/2007)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Didactic Session for Psychology Internship Students at John Umstead Hospital, Butner, NC
Assessing Exceptional Children (2/2006)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Lecture in School of Education, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Differences in Learning and Attention: An Introduction (1/2006)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.A workshop for parents at Durham Academy, Early School, Durham, NC
Gender Differences: Implications for Parents and Teachers (1/2006)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.A workshop for parents at Duke Middle School, Durham, NC
Helping Children with Social Skill Development (1/2006)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.A workshop for parents at the Hill Center, Durham, NC
Policy Issues in NC Regarding Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Issues for Children (2/2006)Don Stedman, Ph.D.Postdoctoral Seminar on Policy Changes in Child Mental Health Services – Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, Chapel Hill, NC
The Importance of Implementing the NC Supreme Court Decision on Funding and Programs for At-Risk Children in Poor School Districts in North Carolina (1/2006)Don Stedman, Ph.D.UNC-CH Law School, Conference on the Leandro Case, Chapel Hill, NC
Introduction to Exceptional Children (1/2006-5/2006)Don Stedman, Ph.D.Class Professor, School of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Assessment and Intervention for ADHD and LD (4/2006)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Didactic Session for Psychology Internship Students at John Umstead Hospital, Butner, NC
Differences in Learning and Attention: An Introduction (1/2006)Darcy Berger, M.E.dA workshop for parents at Durham Academy, Early School, Durham, NC
Teaching Secondary Students with Disabilities (1/2006 – 5/2006)Darcy Berger, M.Ed.Clinical Instructor for MAT Program, School of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Pain-Related Disorders: Clinical and Research Considerations (12/2005)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.A presentation to researchers and clinicians - Center for Neurosensory Disorders, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC
Gender Differences: Research on Brain Development, Learning & Behavior, and Classroom Implications (12/2005)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Workshop for faculty of Duke Middle School, Durham, NC
Scholastic Ability and Achievement Measures for Adults and College Students (5/2005)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Educational Testing Service, Disability Review Panel, Princeton, NJ
A Presentation to the NC School Boards Association Annual Convention (11/2005)Don Stedman, Ph.D.NC School Boards Association, Greensboro, NC
Presentation on the Importance of School Health Services for Effective Schools (10/2005)Don Stedman, Ph.D.NC Association of School-Based Health Centers
Presentation on the Importance of Trained Workforce to Staff Local Programs for Children with Special Needs and their Families (10/2005)Don Stedman, Ph.D.Family Support Network of North Carolina
Presentation on New Approaches to Teacher Preparation (9/2005)Don Stedman, Ph.D.Wake Public Schools Board, Raleigh, NC
Behavior Management in the Classroom (3/2005)Darcy Berger, M.Ed.School of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Classmates and Students with High Functioning Autism (9/2004)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.A Presentation to faculty and students at the Emerson Waldorf School, Chapel Hill, NC
Psychological Factors in Medication Management of Children and Adolescents (6/2004)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Wake County AHEC: Using SSRIs in children and adolescents in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Friday Center, Chapel, NC
Alternative and Adjunctive Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents (6/2004)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Wake County AHEC: Using SSRIs in children and adolescents in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Friday Center, Chapel, NC
Determining Test Accommodations for College Students with LD/ADHDKen Benedict, Ph.D.Three day course taught with Jane Benson, M.A., Learning Disability Services, UNC at Chapel Hill at 16th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (PTI), Mt. Snow, VT
5th Annual Timothy B. Burnett Seminar for Academic Achievement: A Panel Discussion for College Students with LD/ADHD (4/2004)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Professional Panel Member, Sponsored by UNC-Chapel Hill: Learning Disabilities Services (LDS), Chapel Hill, NC
The Role of Medication in ADHD and Other Childhood Disorders (3/2004)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.With Mark Chandler, M.D., North Carolina Neuropsychiatry, P.A., Hill Learning Development Center, Durham, NC
Family Caregiver Adjustment and Coping (2/2004)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Durham Chapter of National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Durham, NC
Wellness and the Transition to College (9/2017)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Presentation for Incoming Robertson Scholars, Durham, NC
Executive Functions: Conceptual Foundations, Assessment, and Clinical Applications (2/2017)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.North Carolina Psychological Association (NCPA), Chapel Hill, NC
Dyslexia Awareness Workshop – Speaker and Panelist (10/2016)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Durham Public Library, Durham, NC
Gifted and Twice Exceptional Children: Opportunities and Challenges (12/2015)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Camelot Academy Parent Speaker Series, Durham, NC
Stress in Adolescents (11/2014)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Presentation to Durham Academy Middle School Faculty, Durham, NC
Children and Anxiety (3/2013)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Presentation to Teacher, Students, and Parents, Hill Center, Durham, NC
Gifted and Twice Exceptional Children: Issues in Assessment and Intervention (5/2011)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Immaculata Catholic School, Durham, NC
ADD/ADHD in Adults Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Orange County Department on Aging, Chapel Hill, NC
Race to Nowhere: Professional Panel for Post-Movie Discussion (3/2011)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Cedar Ridge High School, Hillsborough, NC
Evaluation and Support of Students with Attention and Specific Learning Problems – Part I (3/2010) and Part II (10/2010)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Presentation for UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine Advisory College Faculty Development Session, Chapel Hill, NC
Parent Discussion Group: Living with ADHD (2/2010)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.A workshop for parents at Central Park School for Children, Durham, NC
Asperger's and Other Autism-Spectrum Disorders (2/2009)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Presentation for the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice (CACJ) and the California Public Defenders Association (CPDA), Monterey, CA
ADHD: Updates and the Role of Coaching (5/2008)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Two-day workshop for the staff of the Forman School with Jane Benson, M.A., Litchfield, CT
Report Writing and Documentation Guidelines for ADHD (4/2008)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Discussant, Educational Testing Service, Disability Review Panel, Princeton, NJ
Continuous Performance Tests in the Evaluation of ADHD (4/2008)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Educational Testing Service, Disability Review Panel, Princeton, NJ
Optimal Assessment Practices for School-Aged Children (3/2008)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Lecture to Students in School of Education, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Practical Issues in Neuropsychological Assessment of Inmates (4/2007)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Lecturer and Panel Member at 'Legal and Mental Health Updates' Conference, Habeas Corpus Resource Center, San Francisco, CA
Brain-Behavior Relationships (1/2007)Ken Benedict, PhD.Lecture to Students in School of Education, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Common Psychiatric and Psychological Conditions in School-Aged Children (1/2007)Ken Benedict, Ph.DLecture to Students in School of Education, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Assessment and Intervention for ADHD and LD (4/2007)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Didactic Session for Psychology Internship Students at John Umstead Hospital, Butner, NC
Assessing Exceptional Children (2/2006)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Lecture in School of Education, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Differences in Learning and Attention: An Introduction (1/2006)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.A workshop for parents at Durham Academy, Early School, Durham, NC
Gender Differences: Implications for Parents and Teachers (1/2006)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.A workshop for parents at Duke Middle School, Durham, NC
Helping Children with Social Skill Development (1/2006)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.A workshop for parents at the Hill Center, Durham, NC
Policy Issues in NC Regarding Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Issues for Children (2/2006)Don Stedman, Ph.D.Postdoctoral Seminar on Policy Changes in Child Mental Health Services – Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, Chapel Hill, NC
The Importance of Implementing the NC Supreme Court Decision on Funding and Programs for At-Risk Children in Poor School Districts in North Carolina (1/2006)Don Stedman, Ph.D.UNC-CH Law School, Conference on the Leandro Case, Chapel Hill, NC
Introduction to Exceptional Children (1/2006-5/2006)Don Stedman, Ph.D.Class Professor, School of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Assessment and Intervention for ADHD and LD (4/2006)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Didactic Session for Psychology Internship Students at John Umstead Hospital, Butner, NC
Differences in Learning and Attention: An Introduction (1/2006)Darcy Berger, M.E.dA workshop for parents at Durham Academy, Early School, Durham, NC
Teaching Secondary Students with Disabilities (1/2006 – 5/2006)Darcy Berger, M.Ed.Clinical Instructor for MAT Program, School of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Pain-Related Disorders: Clinical and Research Considerations (12/2005)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.A presentation to researchers and clinicians - Center for Neurosensory Disorders, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC
Gender Differences: Research on Brain Development, Learning & Behavior, and Classroom Implications (12/2005)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Workshop for faculty of Duke Middle School, Durham, NC
Scholastic Ability and Achievement Measures for Adults and College Students (5/2005)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Educational Testing Service, Disability Review Panel, Princeton, NJ
A Presentation to the NC School Boards Association Annual Convention (11/2005)Don Stedman, Ph.D.NC School Boards Association, Greensboro, NC
Presentation on the Importance of School Health Services for Effective Schools (10/2005)Don Stedman, Ph.D.NC Association of School-Based Health Centers
Presentation on the Importance of Trained Workforce to Staff Local Programs for Children with Special Needs and their Families (10/2005)Don Stedman, Ph.D.Family Support Network of North Carolina
Presentation on New Approaches to Teacher Preparation (9/2005)Don Stedman, Ph.D.Wake Public Schools Board, Raleigh, NC
Behavior Management in the Classroom (3/2005)Darcy Berger, M.Ed.School of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Classmates and Students with High Functioning Autism (9/2004)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.A Presentation to faculty and students at the Emerson Waldorf School, Chapel Hill, NC
Psychological Factors in Medication Management of Children and Adolescents (6/2004)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Wake County AHEC: Using SSRIs in children and adolescents in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Friday Center, Chapel, NC
Alternative and Adjunctive Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents (6/2004)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Wake County AHEC: Using SSRIs in children and adolescents in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Friday Center, Chapel, NC
Determining Test Accommodations for College Students with LD/ADHDKen Benedict, Ph.D.Three day course taught with Jane Benson, M.A., Learning Disability Services, UNC at Chapel Hill at 16th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (PTI), Mt. Snow, VT
5th Annual Timothy B. Burnett Seminar for Academic Achievement: A Panel Discussion for College Students with LD/ADHD (4/2004)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.Professional Panel Member, Sponsored by UNC-Chapel Hill: Learning Disabilities Services (LDS), Chapel Hill, NC
The Role of Medication in ADHD and Other Childhood Disorders (3/2004)Ken Benedict, Ph.D.With Mark Chandler, M.D., North Carolina Neuropsychiatry, P.A., Hill Learning Development Center, Durham, NC
Family Caregiver Adjustment and Coping (2/2004)Jake Godfrey, Ph.D.Durham Chapter of National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), Durham, NC